Saturday 11 July 2015

To Mars with Tesla or the Mystery of Hidden Worlds

“To Mars with Tesla; or, the Mystery of Hidden Worlds”, a Science Fiction Tale from 1901,
Tesla and the Exploration of Cosmos
Nikola Tesla spent 50 years of his life trying to find a way to communicate with Mars.  Tesla believed that Mars was inhabited with intelligent Martians and had a civilization, as evidence by the canals of the red planet -Mars, which could be seen by telescope.  This belief aboutMartians was common at the time when Tesla was alive.  This novel "To Mars with Tesla" illustrated Tesla's intention to communicate with Mars.  This is science fiction.
Nikola Tesla contributed to the exploration of cosmos by discovering the first wireless robot in 1898 which he demonstrated in Madison Square Garden.  This was the first radio guided robot.  Tesla discovered remote control, so important to send signals to satellites and spaceship around the globe, to guide their movement. Tesla discovered cosmic radio waves in his laboratory in Colorado Springs, 1899.  Cosmic radio waves are important for the analysis of planetary matter and the composition of stars/planets, which emit those cosmic waves.  Today there are numerous installations in the world made by the United States, Russia, Japan, etc. which are analyzing cosmic radio waves.
Tesla is one of the first scientists in the world who used the ionosphere for scientific purposes (see BBC film: "Masters of the Ionosphere").  The ionosphere is used for radio communications around the globe.  The HAARP project is based on Tesla's principles.  When Tesla built the Wardenclyffe Tower in Shoreham, Long Island, he included the "Tesla Tower" function for communication with Mars.

Above: “To Mars with Tesla; or, the Mystery of Hidden Worlds”, 1901.

The Tesla Memorial Society of New York is grateful to Mr. Dennis Gannon, Washington D.C. for his kind information about this science fiction tale.

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