Saturday 11 July 2015

Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla (July 10) - Part I

Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla
(July 10) - Part I
Above: Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
"Nikola Tesla Day" (July 10th), a Day of Science around the world is becoming a reality. In 2002, the Tesla Memorial Society of New York and Tesla Forum from Australia proposed to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations at that time, the proclamation of "Nikola Tesla Day" as a Day of Science.
There is currently an initiative in Serbia and Croatia to propose to the General Assembly of the United Nations the voting for "Nikola Tesla Day" as an international holiday. We hope the United States of America will also support "Nikola Tesla Day". Nikola Tesla spent 60 years of his life in New York City and contributed his genius and work to all nations around the world.
Below: Answer from Kofi Annan, Secretary General, United Nations, to the Tesla Memorial Society of New York regarding the proclamation of "Nikola Tesla Day" as an international holiday.

Above: Proclamation for "Nikola Tesla Day" on July 10 signed by the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia.
Google Commemorates Nikola Tesla's Birthday

Above: If you visit today, you will notice a special logo that looks like a coil lighting rode. It is a depiction of the Tesla coil created by Nikola Tesla. (Text and image from
Above: Commemorative Plaque on Building (32 West 40 Street, Manhattan, New York), "The Engineers Club", was erected in memory of famous American Engineers who helped America transform from a largely agricultural nation to an architectural and industrial empire. Nikola Tesla's name is included on the plaque among other famous Americans.

Radio Wave Building
Above:  Plaque of Nikola Tesla on Radio Wave Building.  Radio Wave Building located at 49 West 27th Street (between Broadway and Sixth Avenue), Lower Manhattan. It was the former Gerlach Hotel, where Tesla lived before the end of the century and experimented with Radio Waves, in 1896.
Above: Earth at Night (click to enlarge).
Tesla's Alternating Current is today lighting the globe.  Photo by NASA satellites.

The Columbian Exposition of 1893
introduced electricity to the public

This was the final great victory of Tesla/Westinghouse's Polyphase Alternating Current system electricity over Edison's Direct Current (DC)

Above:  George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla.  Seeking to make long distance electric power transmission a reality, they combined their skills, their genius and their belief in a new technology ... alternating current.  Together they started a revolution that electrified the world.  A Perfect Partnership.
Above: The Tesla/Westinghouse display at Electricity Hall.
Tesla Polyphase Alternating Current Sign on Display, Westinghouse Exhibition.
Above: The Tesla/Westinghouse display at Electricity Hall.
Tesla Polyphase Alternating Current System.
Above: Nikola Tesla's personal exhibit at the World Fair in Chicago, 1893.  The Egg of Columbus centered in this photograph.

Above: The Court of Honor and its buildings
Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse built the first hydro-electric power plant in 1895 in Niagara Falls and started the electrification of the world

The remaining building of the original power plant (Adam's Station, Power House No. 3) survived to this day since 1895.
Adam's Power House No. 3 may be restored to a museum of science.  This facility, in Niagara Falls (New York), is of great historical significance for  our civilization and has to be preserved and restored as a Science Museum.
Nikola Tesla's Speech at Niagara Falls Opening Ceremony
"We have many a monument of past ages; we have the palaces and pyramids, the temples of the Greek and the cathedrals of Christendom.  In them is exemplified the power of men, the greatness of nations, the love of art and religious devotion.  But the monument at Niagara has something of its own, more in accord with our present thoughts and tendencies.  It is a monument worthy of our scientific age, a true monument of enlightenment and of peace.  It signifies the subjugation of natural forces to the service of man, the discontinuance of barbarous methods, the relieving of millions from want and suffering"
 - Nikola Tesla's speech at the opening ceremony of the hydroelectric power station, January 12, 1897.

Above: The first hydro-electric power plant built by Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse in 1895.  These Power Plants started the electrification of the world.  Today, the only remaining building of this National Land Mark Site is shown below.
Above:  Adam's Station (Power House Number No. 3) in 1895, the only remaining building (still standing) of the old Niagara Hydro-electric Power Plant which Tesla and Westinghouse built in 1895, in Niagara Falls.  This building is in the National Registry as a National Landmark.  Power Houses No. 1 and No. 2 were destroyed.
Above:  Today's Adam's Station (Power House Number No. 3) in 2006, the only remaining building (still standing) of the old Niagara Hydro-electric Power Plant which Tesla and Westinghouse built in 1895, in Niagara Falls.  This building is in the National Registry as a National Landmark.  This building survived since 1895 and needs to be restored into a science museum.

Above: Adam's Station (Power House) is the only building still standing from the original three buildings which made up the Tesla-Westinghouse Hydro-Electric Power Plant, Niagara Falls in 1896. Photo was taken March 2009 by Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, President, Tesla Memorial Society of New York. This is the birthplace of the electrification of the world.

Above: Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, President, Tesla Memorial Society of New York in front of Adam's Station (Power House), Niagara Falls (March 2009).
The Award Ceremony for Nikola Tesla's induction into the International Lineman's Hall of Fame was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA on April 19, 2008
Nikola Tesla was inducted into the International Lineman's Museum Hall of Fame in North Carolina, USA for his contribution to electrical industry. The Award's Ceremony was held at the 8th Annual American Public Power Association Lineworker's Rodeo in Indianapolis, Indiana in the Downtown Marriott Hotel on April 19, 2008.
Over 1,000 guests were present at the Award's Ceremony. Representatives of the American Electrical Industry, the International Lineman's Museum Hall of Fame and Linemen from mid-America. It was a beautiful, dignifying event.
Thomas Edison was inducted into the Hall of Fame, North Carolina, in 2006 and Nikola Tesla in 2007.
Hall Of Fame

Above: Hall of Fame Plaque from North Carolina. Nikola Tesla was induced to the International Linemen's Museum and Hall of Fame, in North Carolina, for his contribution to electrical industry.
Lineman's Museum
International Linemen's
Above: Logo for the American Public Power Association.
May 12, 2008
Dr. Ljubo Vujovic
Secretary General
Tesla Memorial Society of New York
Ridgewood, NY  11386
Dear Dr. Vujovic:
It was such a pleasure to meet you, Desko Nikotovic, Counsul General of Serbia in Chicago, Mane Bubalo and Sveta Arsic, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Indianapolis, and Spasenka Scopu of the Tesla Memorial Society of New York at the APPA Banquet and Hall of Fame Inductee Ceremony in Indianapolis, IN.  It was an honor for me to be able to show the recognition Nikola Tesla so deserved and to be able to formally induct him into the International Lineman’s Hall of Fame for 2007.
Without Nikola Tesla’s great insight and many inventions and accomplishments over the years, the electrical industry would not be what it is today in the United States.  The Lineman’s Hall of Fame is a great way for us to be able to show our sincere appreciation and to honor Nikola Tesla as being a very important part of the history of the United States.
As a remembrance of this event, I have attached a group shot of all 2007 Hall of Fame Inductees along with a photo of yourself and Desko Nikotovic after receiving the award in honor of Nikola Tesla taken at the event by Curt Alexander of Spectrum Photography.  
Kindest Regards,
Charles “Andy” Price
Founder & Curator
“GLOBAL ENERGY INDEPENDENCE DAY” proclaimed in Los Angeles on July 10, 2005 in honor of Nikola Tesla's Birthday by Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich


At the Board of Supervisors meeting on July 12, 2005 , Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich presented a scroll to Dr. Edson Andre Johnson in recognition of “Global Energy Independence Day,” celebrated on July 10, 2005 -- the birth date of Nikola Tesla, the great Serbian-American inventor born in Croatia .

The purpose of the event is to promote alternative free energy including solar, wind, and geothermal, as well as technologies under development such as cold fusion, zero point energy, and Tesla radiant energy. 
  With more than 270 patents awarded to him over the course of his lifetime, Tesla shaped the twentieth century with his invention of the radio, radar, x-ray, AC power, and the induction motor.  His legacy is now shaping the twenty-first century with the implementation of his methods of tapping and distributing free energy.
Colorado Springs, 1899

Above: Experimental Station at Colorado Springs where the first wireless transmission experiments were preformed (1899-1900). 
Above: Tesla sits below the Tesla Coil in his Colorado Spring Laboratory.  The coil creates millions of volts of electricity with a frequency rate of 100,000 alterations per second.
Above:  Tesla is the father of high frequency high voltage electricity which is used today in radio and other communication devices.  Here is a photo from Colorado Springs, Colorado (in 1899), illustrating the capacity of the oscillator to create electricity of millions of volts and a frequency of 100,000 alternations per second.
Wardenclyffe Tower
Above: Transmitting Tesla Tower and Laboratory built in 1901-1905 by Stanford White, famous architect and Tesla's friend.  Located in Wardenclyffe, Long Island.  This was to be the first broadcasting system in the world.  Tesla also wanted to transmit electricity from this Tower to the whole globe without wires using the Ionosphere.  The source of the transmitted electricity was to be the Niagara Falls power plant.
Above: Wardenclyffe Tower with electrical sparks.  Tesla built this tower to transfer electricity without wires to electrify the entire earth and to be the first broadcasting system in the world.
Tesla Corner

The Nikola Tesla Corner is located at the corner of West 40th Street and 6th avenue, Manhattan

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