Saturday 11 July 2015

July 10, 2001

 Tesla commemorative plaque unveiling ceremony at Hotel New Yorker on
July 10, 2001

Above: Tesla commemorative plaque on Hotel New Yorker erected July 10, 2001 by the Tesla Memorial Society of New York and Hotel New Yorker.

  Above: Serbian Orthodox Priests blessing the Tesla plaque.
Above:  Dr. Ljubo Vujovic Secretary General of the Tesla Memorial Society speaking at the ceremony.
Tesla commemorative plaque was unveiled today at the Hotel New Yorker in Manhattan, New York.  The ceremony was held in the presence of many dignitaries and many Tesla admirers.  It was an evening of Tribute to Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest mind of our civilization.  The plaque was unveiled by Honorable Helen Delich Bentley, previous US Congresswoman.  The plaque was created by the Yugoslav-American Bicentennial Committee in 1977.  Because of political reasons and the change of the ownership of the Hotel New Yorker, the plaque could not be placed at that time at Hotel New Yorker.  The most impressive part of the ceremony was the blessing of the Tesla plaque by Serbian Orthodox Priests.  Tesla was of Serbian Orthodox faith, his father Milutin Tesla was a Serbian Orthodox Priest.  The unveiling ceremony was an event to remember.  Millions of Tesla admirers were deeply moved by the ceremony.
Tesla Memorial Society is asking the governments of the Balkan States and the governments of States of the previous Austria-Hungary Empire (where Tesla was born, was educated and worked before he came to the Untied States) to ask the United Nations to proclaim July 10 (Tesla's Birthday), as a International "Nikola Tesla Day".   Nikola Tesla's birthday (July 10)  symbolizes the triumph of science, cosmic explorations, peace and brotherhood among nations.

Two Palm Trees make the Tesla plaque more beautiful 
The Tesla plaque on Hotel New Yorker in Manhattan, New York, was made more beautiful by two palm trees on each side of the plaque.  The palm trees were brought from Florida and placed on the sidewalk of 34th Street in Manhattan, in two giant pots.  The palm trees are gifts from the Tesla admirer and businessman Zivadin Krstic.  The Tesla Memorial Society of New York and millions of Tesla admirers around the world wish to thank Mr. Krstic for his beautiful gift of two palm trees which made the Tesla plaque more attractive.  Because palm trees are rare in New York they make the Tesla plaque stand out to the public.  Mr. Krstic is going to bring the palm trees back to Florida in the winter, so that they escape New York cold weather.  We once again thank Zivadin Krstis for his generous and beautiful gift.

At the Tesla plaque unveiling ceremony were present: 
Representatives of Hotel New Yorker, Tesla Memorial Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Columbia University, Representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Yugoslav Government and many Ambassadors from the United Nations (including the wife of the Croatian Ambassador representing Croatia).  Also were present Representatives of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Mission to the United Nations, Representatives of "Njegos" Foundation at Columbia University, Yugoslav Airline, and many other important individuals.
Masters of the ceremony were Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, Secretary General of the Tesla Memorial Society and Dr. Lila Kalinich, Professor of psychiatry at Columbia University.  Barry S. Mann, General Manager of the Hotel New Yorker, gave the opening remarks at the ceremony.

Photos at the ceremony
All photos were produced by Mr. Mileta J. Solujich, journalist, and  Newpaper Vesti.  Tesla Memorial Society is grateful for their contribution.
  • (Photo)  Dr. Lila Kalinich, Professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, speaking at the ceremony
  • (Photo #1)  Honorable Helen Delich Bentley unveiling the plaque 
  • (Photo)  V. Rev. Sinisa Jocic blessing the plaque
  • (Photo #1 | Photo #2)  Serbian Orthodox Priests blessing the Tesla plaque 
  • (Photo)  V. Rev. Predrag Micic speaking at the ceremony
  • (Photo #1 | Photo #2)  Dr. Ljubo Vujovic Secretary General of the Tesla Memorial Society speaking at the ceremony 
  • (Photo)  Miss Sylvia Kovac reading the Proclamation of Governor George E. Pataki of the State of New York, recognizing July 10, 2001 as "Nikola Tesla Day" and the Proclamation of Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani of the City of New York.
  • (Photo)  Honorable Vladislav Mladenovic, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Yugoslavia to the U.N., speaking at the ceremony
  • (Photo)  Prof. Mike Geselowitz representing the Institute of Electrical, Electronics Engineers speaking at the ceremony
  • (Photo)  Prof. Samuel Devons representing Columbia University speaking at the ceremony
  • (Photo)  Actress Mary Gados reciting the Poem "To Nikola Tesla" from Desanka Maksimovic famous Poet (Click here for a "Poet's Tribute to Tesla": English |Serbian)
  • (Photo)  Honorable Helen Delich Bently, Mr. Mileta J. Solujich and Mr. Milinkovic at the ceremony 
  • (Photo)  Newspaper Article written in Serbian Newspaper "Vesti" about the event of the unveiling of the plaque on Hotel New Yorker

Speeches at the ceremony

The unveiling plaque event was highly publicized in Yugoslavia in newspapers, television and radio.  It was front page news.  Serbian radio "Beli Andjeo" was broadcasting live from the ceremony to Radio Belgrade - Tesla's worldwide gathering.  Broadcasting the event to many countries. 
Tesla Memorial Society, The Institute of Electrical, Electronics Engineers, and the Serbian Orthodox Church are grateful for the Proclamation of "Nikola Tesla Day" by the Governor of the State of New York, George E. Pataki and the Mayor of the City of New York, Rudolph W. Giuliani. We are also grateful for the help of Barry S. Mann (General Manager), Joseph Kinney (Chief Engineer),  and the Board of the Hotel New Yorker for their help in placing the plaque on Hotel New Yorker.  We will always be friends with Hotel New Yorker.
Mechanical Engineering Magazine, one of the biggest engineering magazines in the United States, wrote an article about the Tesla Plaque unveiling. (Click here to read the Article)
  • (Photo)  Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, Secretary General of the Tesla Memorial Society of New York, standing next to the framed proclamations of Nikola Tesla Day, issued by the New York Governor George E. Pataki.  Those proclamations will be given to universities as gifts.
Newspaper Articles about Tesla
Tesla Decorated by Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia in Hotel New Yorker, 1937.
  • (Photo)  Tesla's Death Mask
Above:  Governor George Pataki's Proclamation of "Nikola Tesla Day".

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