Saturday 11 July 2015

Tesla Memorial Society of New York

Tesla Memorial Society of New York is celebrating its 27th anniversary.  It was founded in Buffalo, New York in 1979.  It is the oldest Tesla Society in North America dedicated to keeping the memory of Nikola Tesla alive.  We are committed to the pursuit of science, progress, brotherhood among all nations and religions around the world.
Above: New York City, Manhattan.  Nikola Tesla lived and worked in New York City for almost 60 years.

Tesla's Ashes in the Tesla Museum, Belgrade

Above: Tesla ashes were placed in a golden sphere, Tesla Museum, Belgrade.

International "Nikola Tesla Day"

Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade Website

Above: Nikola Tesla, showing the inventor in the effulgent glory of myriad tongues of electrical flame, New York Sunday World, 1894.
Above: Nikola Tesla, with Roger Boskovich's book "Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis", in front of the spiral coil of his high-frequency transformer at East Houston St., New York

Above: The letterhead of Tesla's business stationery recalls some of his more important inventions.

A Message from Our Editoral Board (Click here)

This website contains important documents and photos about Nikola Tesla, Albert EinsteinMichael Pupin, famous sculptor Ivan Mestrovic,Mileva Maric (Einstein's wife)Stanford White (Tesla's friend)Dr. George Papanicolaou,Mayor Fiorello LaGuardiaRobert Underwood Johnson and painter Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy (Click on the names for more information).  This website is our contribution to science, history and the memory of those geniuses.  
The Tesla Bust by world famous sculptor Ivan Mestrovic, 1939
Above: Wardenclyffe Tower with electrical sparks.  Tesla built this tower to transfer electricity without wires to electrify the entire earth and to be the first broadcasting system in the world.
Above: The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York City, the place where Michael Pupin and  Nikola Tesla had funeral services.

Above: Transmitting Tesla Tower and Laboratory built in 1901-1905 by Stanford White, famous architect and Tesla's friend.  Located in Wardenclyffe, Long Island.  This was to be the first broadcasting system in the world.  Tesla also wanted to transmit electricity from this Tower to the whole globe without wires using the Ionosphere.  The source of the transmitted electricity was to be the Niagara Falls power plant.

Click here for Tesla's discovery of the rotating magnetic field

THE BLACKOUT OF 2003 - Only one day without Tesla's Alternating Current Electricity, America returned to the Dark Ages

Above: Nikola Tesla designed the first hydro-electric power plant in Niagara Falls.  This was the final victory of Tesla's Alternating Current over Edison's Direct Current.  This is the interior of Power House No. 1 of the Niagara Falls Power Company (1895-1899).
Above: View of the main water-fall at the Niagara river.  Beginning of the 20th century.
Above: Experimental Station at Colorado Springs where the first wireless transmission experiments were preformed (1899-1900). 
Above: Tesla sits below the Tesla Coil in his Colorado Spring Laboratory.  The coil creates millions of volts of electricity with a frequency rate of 100,000 alterations per second.
Above: One of the original Tesla Electric Motors from 1888 which is today the main power of for industry and household appliances.  Tesla's Electric Motor is one of the ten greatest inventions of all times.
Above:  Tesla is the father of high frequency high voltage electricity which is used today in radio and other communication devices.  Here is a photo from Colorado Springs, Colorado (in 1899), illustrating the capacity of the oscillator to create electricity of millions of volts and a frequency of 100,000 alternations per second.
Nikola Tesla holding a gas-filled phosphor-coated light bulb which was illuminated without wires by an electromagnetic field from the "Tesla Coil".
Tesla's Tribute - "Earth At Night" (Click here for NASA photo where you see electrical lights at night lighting every continent from Tesla's Alternating Current Electricity)

Who's Tesla?  

tesla1.jpgNikola Tesla (1856-1943) was the genius who lit the world, whose discoveries in the field of alternating polyphase current electricity advanced the United States and the rest of the world into the modern industrial era.
Nikola Tesla had 700 patents in the US and Europe. Tesla's discoveries include the Tesla Coil, fluorescent light,Tesla Statue wireless transmission of electrical energy, radio, remote control, discovery of cosmic radio waves and use of ionosphere for scientific purposes.
Nikola Tesla was a New Yorker, who lived and worked in New York City almost 60 years and died at Hotel New Yorker, in Manhattan, on January 7, 1943.
We here at the Tesla Memorial Society of New York want the world to know of Tesla.  Tesla's impact on our civilization is tremendous, and his memory should be kept alive.
In 1917, Tesla was awarded the Edison Medal, the most coveted electrical prize in the United States. 
Nikola Tesla's name has been honored with an International Unit of Magnetic Flux Density called "Tesla".
The United States Postal Service honored Tesla with acommemorative stamp in 1983. 
Tesla was inducted into the Inventor's Hall of Fame in 1975.
The Nikola Tesla Award is one of the most distinguished honors presented by the Institute of Electrical Engineers.  The award has been given annually since 1976.
The Nikola Tesla Award is presented annually since 1968, at the Area Power Conference, Duluth, Minnesota.  The award is furnished by Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation.
The Nikola Tesla Statue is located on Goat Island to honor the man whose inventions were incorporated into the Niagara Falls Power Station in 1896.  Tesla is known as the inventor of the polyphase alternating current.
The Nikola Tesla Corner Sign located at the intersection of 40th Street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan, is a constant reminder to all New Yorkers of the greatness of this genius.
Many of the new technologies in the world today, are based on Tesla's ideas.  Tesla spent 50 years of his life to find a way for interplanetary communications, especially with Mars.  He is the first scientist in the world to use the Ionosphere for scientific purposes (The Ionosphere is the upper part the atmosphere under constant bombardment of solar energy, which breaks down molecules into ions causing an ionized shield of our atmosphere, very important for radio communications).
Nikola Tesla is a unifying force for the people of the Balkans, and the people of the previous Austro-Hungary Empire (an area of Europe devoted to science and progress).  Every child in the Balkans knows about Tesla.
The Tesla Memorial Society of New York is proposing that Tesla's birthday, July 10th, be proclaimed by the United Nations "Nikola Tesla Day".  This day will signify a day of science, cosmos explorations, and brotherhood among nations and religions around the world.
We are asking all Tesla admirers and all governments around the world to support the idea of "Nikola Tesla Day".
The World Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 was the World's Fair commemorating 400 years since Chrstopher Columbys set foot in the New World.   This was the first great victory of Tesla's Alternating Current Electricity.  Tesla and George Westinghouse started the electrification of the globe.
The Tesla Collection : 23 Volume Set, Newspaper and Magazine articles about Tesla (from 1887 - 1920) is the most comprehensive information about Tesla ever published.  Those are newspaper articles written by Tesla and/or about Tesla when he was alive.

The Tesla Collection

"From Immigrant to Inventor : Michael Pupin Remembered": VHS

This film was produced in association with Columbia University Physics Department.  This is one of the rare documentary films about Michael Pupin, the history of Columbia University and the history of American Immigration.   Participants of the film are:
Prof. S.W. WU - Pupin Medalist.
Prof. Emeritus Samuel Devons - Chairman Physics Depart. Columbia University
Prof. Cyril M, Harris - President, New York Academy of Sciences Prof. Rodney W. Nichols - New York Academy of Sciences
William Aspray - Director IEEE Archives
Hallee Haswell - Director, Columbia Library
Author of the Film: Dr. Ljubo Vujovic

Tesla Unit

Tesla Unit for magnetic flux density equation (T=W/m2) on Serbian money.

Tesla = Weber/m²

Nikola Tesla's name has been honored with the international unit of magnetic flux density called "Tesla".  All magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines are calibrated with Tesla Unit (from .2 Tesla to 9 Tesla).  MRI machines work on the principle of a homogeneous magnet field.  Nikola Tesla discovered the Rotating Magnetic Field in Budapest, 1882.  The Tesla Unit for magnetism was established in 1956 in the Rathaus of Munich, Germany by the International Electrotechnical Commission Committee in Action.
Because of the tremendous importance of the MRI technology and widespread use of the MRI machines around the world, which are all calibrated in Tesla Units, Tesla's name connected with the MRI will be known more and more in the future and the years to come.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is extremely important for medical diagnosis of internal organs of the human body, especially the diagnosis of cancer, tumors, degenerative diseases of the brain and spinal cord. The modern diagnosis of the internal organs of the human body would be today unthinkable without MRI.  MRI machines are  widespread with many variations in size and capacity all around the world.  The revenue of MRI machines sales was 1.46 billion dollars in 2002.  Revenue for MRI machine sales is expected to increase in the following years.
MRI employs a strong homogeneous magnetic field and specific radio frequency to which many elements, especially hydrogen nuclei respond with radio frequency signals.  These signals are analyzed by computer reconstruction algorithms.  The healthy tissue and pathological tissue have different radio frequency signals and produce different images on MRI.  Therefore enable us to make diagnosis of pathological tissues of the body.
MRI has the advantage over CT scan, it uses no ionizing radiation and does not cause cumulative harm.  The only contraindication of those related to the high magnetic field.  Magnetic-sensitive objects like pacemakers, watched and magnetic tapes are contraindicated.
A Short History of the MRI (Click here for article)

Editorial Board

Website Editor: Dr. Ljubo Vujovic
Medals for Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, President, Tesla Memorial Society of New York
Above: Decorations awarded to Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, President, Tesla Memorial Society of New York.

Biography of Dr. Ljubo Vujovic

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