Saturday 31 October 2015

Search for Intelligent Life (Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)

Since the very existence of intelligent life or mankind on the planet Earth, mankind has been fascinated by the unknown. Over the years this has unsolved and exposed multiple facets of the blue planet. When man looked at the sky and saw birds, he desired the ability to fly and then through trial and error, the first aircraft that could make a man fly emerged. Having thus explored the sky,man’s fascination turned to the multiple blinking points of light in the night sky… the Stars.
‘Goldilocks Principle’ states that for life to exist on a planet, it must orbit around a star like the Sun. Many also believe that mankind is not the only intelligent life form in the Universe. Then why has there not been any contact with these beings that dwell in the beyond? Or has there been?
(Courtesy –
In this series of articles we have seen Dr. Nikola Tesla in his labs at Colorado Spring, having invented the system to receive communications from far distances using his transmitters and receivers. But Dr. Tesla aimed to send electricity and information via these receivers which were required to be very sensitive. In the quest to create such receivers which would be able to detect incoming storms or weather disturbances at hundreds of miles away and predict their speed direction and distance travelled, Dr. Tesla heard some “unknown and previously unheard” electrical disturbances. Dr. Tesla had already tracked the frequencies of electrical signals received on earth including those of the sun, the aurora and virtually all major known sounds.Hence he was taken aback with what he was hearing. Dr. Tesla sat alone thinking about this unusual finding. Here he had an insight; he realized that these sounds were not the sounds transmitted by any manmade or natural event occurring on earth, but they originated from a source beyond the planet Earth.
Back in those days there was a belief in the scientific community of the existence of life on Mars. But the signals which Dr. Nikola Tesla received originated from far beyond the Mars. This was the year 1899 and this discovery would lead Dr. Tesla to dedicate the remainder of his life to detecting and communicating with the source of this signal. After these initial experiments, Dr. Tesla started experimenting with better radio transmitters and receivers in order to repeat his reception of these anomalous signals. The signals appeared to be periodical and with a clear suggestion of number and order. This pushed Dr. Tesla to devise means to hear the messages more clearly and determine their direction and source.
(Courtesy -
(Courtesy –
In Collier’s Weekly dated February 9, 1901, Dr. Nikola Tesla wrote an article titled “Talking with the Planets” in which he writes, “I can readily demonstrate that with an expenditure not exceeding two thousand horsepower, signals can be transmitted to a planet such as Mars with as much exactness and certitude as we now send messages by wire from New York to Philadelphia. These means are the result of long continued experiments and gradual improvements…”He claimed he had detected an artificial signal from Mars or possibly Venus using high-voltage equipment he had set up at Colorado Springs. And this is when Dr. Tesla predicted that interplanetary communications would “become the dominating idea of the century that has just begun.”
By the 1920’s Dr. Nikola Tesla had grown confident that he was able to make sense of the strange radio broadcasts he was receiving from space. However, soon afterwards Dr. Tesla began to express great concerns about beings from other planets that had unsavory designs for planet Earth. Dr. Tesla claimed that, “These signals are too strong to have traveled the great distances from Mars to Earth. So I am forced to admit to myself that the sources must come from somewhere in nearby space or even the moon. I am certain however, that the creatures that communicate with each other every night are not from Mars or possibly from any other planet in our solar system”.
According to Dr. Nikola Tesla’s claim this would mean that he had intercepted communications between earth and another planet that may or may not be in our solar system. He also felt that beings from other planets were already here and he was very afraid that they had been controlling man for thousands of years and that, humans were simply test subjects for an experiment of extremely long duration. His observations lead him to approach the United States government and military but to no avail. All his letters too went unanswered.
For all his ideas and observations, Dr. Nikola Tesla only received the title of the “Mad scientist” from the media and was laughed at by the people at his time. It was even suggested that what Dr. Tesla had picked up were signals from other sources or the transmissions made by other transmitters on earth itself that Dr. Tesla had misinterpreted as being from the space. Several years after Dr. Tesla announced his reception of signals from space; another scientist, Guglielmo Marconi from Italy also claimed to have heard from an alien radio transmitter. However, Marconi was just as quickly dismissed by his contemporaries who claimed that he too had received interference from another radio station on the Earth.
There is sadly no witness to Dr. Nikola Tesla’s claim of being able to communicate with aliens and hence it is difficult to verify the claims he made. But the circumstantial evidence in support is quite strong. It is said that after the death of Dr. Tesla in 1943, the authorities took possession of all his research papers which amounted to 8 truckloads. The confiscated material was moved to an undisclosed location. Today the activities undertaken under the world-famous program called Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence is using all the principals and techniques similar to what Dr. Nikola Tesla had used in those days.
As far as the criticism of the research is concerned, we must realize that back in 1899 there were no other known transmitters on the surface of the earth which could interfere with Dr. Tesla’s research. As stated by Dr. Nikola Tesla, he could discern between the sounds coming from any source. Also a person of the caliber of Dr. Tesla who could think and construct prototypes just in his mind would not make such a fundamental mistake and that he must have arrived at such a conclusion after eliminating all possible alternatives. Dr. Tesla believed that “there is a difference between progress and technology, progress benefits mankind. Technology does not necessarily do that”.Thus the only conclusion that can be reached is that Dr. Tesla did in fact communicate with extraterrestrials but never released the evidence supporting his claim and rather accepted ridicule.
Mankind simply was not ready to acknowledge the research of Dr. Nikola Tesla then…

Monday 31 August 2015

And Mother Earth Replied !!! – Dr. Nikola Tesla

Similar to the sound waves echoing from a distant wall, I have sent electrical vibrations toward the remote boundaries of the earth, and instead of the wall the earth has replied. In place of an echo I have obtained a stationary electrical wave”. These were the quotes of Dr. Nikola Tesla while he was experimenting with wireless electrical energy.
 Earlier in this series we have seen Dr. Nikola Tesla successfully carrying experiments on Wireless electricity. With this, the genius of Dr. Tesla was making sure that he could actually make wireless electricity available to the entire world and bring one of his dreams for humanity in reality. The dream of Dr. Tesla that he had cherished would have provided every human-being with ample and actually unlimited amount of electricity that too absolutely for free. It would have been just like sunshine or air that we enjoy and utilize irrespective of caste, creed and financial status for free and that too in adequate quantities. Had the then industry captains not suppressed the success of Dr. Tesla’s experiments, these could have been replicated in the real life. While making the above statement Dr. Tesla stated that to help him achieve his aim, “Mother Earth had replied”.
 With respect to the opening statement of this article made by Dr. Nikola Tesla, he further stated that to help him achieve his aim, Mother Earth had indeed replied.
 Proceeding ahead let us know about the various experiments that Dr. Nikola Tesla conducted to meet one of his aims of unlimited free wireless electricity transmission.
Antenna used by Dr. Nikola Tesla
Laboratory in Colorado Springs and the 142 feet antenna set up by Tesla
 For various kinds of experiments Dr. Nikola Tesla had specifically built a very unique laboratory in Colorado Springs. It had a roof that rolled back to prevent it from catching fire, and a wooden tower that soared up eighty feet tall. Above it was a 142 feet metal mast supporting a large copper ball. Inside the strange wooden structure, was assembled an enormous Tesla Coil, specially designed to send powerful electrical impulses right into the earth. Dr. Tesla had tuned this 142 feet antenna setup with the intent to produce the first ever man made lightning-scale electrical discharges, a feat which would allow him to test many of his theories about the conductivity of the Earth and even the sky.
 With this setup being ready on one of the nights while actually carrying this experiment, Dr. Tesla told his assistant, Kolman Czito to charge the Tesla Coil with millions of volts but that too only for ‘one second’. With this the secondary coil began to sparkle, crack and an eerie blue corona formed in the air around it. The circuit was closed for only one second, and that one second was the most astounding one. Huge arcs of blue electricity snaked up and down the central coil. Loud crackling bolts of the first man-made lightning strike were shot out for more than a hundred feet in length and they leapt towards the earth’s surface. This was the very famous experiment that burned the dynamos at the El Paso Electric Company miles away from Dr. Tesla’s lab. As a result the entire city had briefly lost power. But, it was due to this experiment that Dr. Tesla confirmed that the Earth itself could be used as an electrical conductor, and verified some of his suspicions regarding the conductivity of the sky (upper layer of atmosphere).
 In his later tests, Dr. Nikola Tesla had gained control over the electrical discharge and had successfully illuminated 200 light bulbs at a distance of 42kms from his antenna setup. With this Dr. Tesla himself became convinced and indeed proved his dream of world-wide free wireless electricity is a reality. With this experiment Dr. Tesla had discovered a new phenomenon which would carry electricity around the entire earth. Dr. Tesla had infactused the earth itself as a conductor in this experiment. Along with this Dr. Tesla also discovered that the upper layer of atmosphere i.e. Ionosphere is also conductive and it can actually carry wireless electricity around the entire earth. To explain this Dr. Tesla stated that he had sent out the pulses of high frequency wireless electricity into the atmosphere. These pulses traversed the entire globe and returned with ‘undiminished strength’. He further said that; “It was a result so unbelievable that at first the revelation almost stunned me.”
 Dr. Nikola Tesla called this phenomenon as ‘Stationary Waves’ or ‘Standing Waves’. Dr. Tesla was the first scientist to have observed this phenomenon. Dr. Tesla wrote, “Electrical energy can be economically transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance. I have unmistakably established this in numerous observations, experiments and measurements, qualitative and quantitative. With this I have demonstrated that it is practicable to distribute power from a central plant in unlimited amounts, with a loss not exceeding a small fraction of one percent in the transmission, even to the greatest of the distances even 12000 miles to the opposite end of the globe.”
 After returning from his experiments in Colorado Springs in the year 1900, Dr. Nikola Tesla stated: “If we use fuel to get our power, we are living on our capital and exhausting it rapidly. This method is barbarous and wantonly wasteful and will have to be stopped in the interests of coming generations.” Here we can see this visionary highlighting the drawbacks of using fossil fuels almost hundred years back from now. Most importantly he was also ready with the working model of the system that will eliminate the need of fossil fuels.Dr Nikola Tesla testing earth surface
 Dr. Nikola Tesla’s wireless system worked in unique way, ‘when there is no receiver, there is no energy consumption anywhere’. Only when the receiver is put on, does it draw power. That is the exact opposite of the traditional system of electricity distribution. In that case, if you have a plant of thousand horsepower (750kw), it is radiating all the time whether the energy is received or not; but in Dr. Tesla’s system no power is lost. When there are no receivers, that plant consumes only a few horsepower necessary to maintain the vibration”
 Dr. Nikola Tesla’s setup for this was also extremely simple. Just like today’s Dish television (DTH) and radio, a single wire electricity receiver is required to be installed on the household rooftops. This wire would receive wireless energy from Tesla tower structure and every appliance in an individual home could run with this electricity. No power cord was necessary. Just think, No power cables, no monthly electricity bills, no high power electricity hazards, no electricity distribution grids, no networks of huge towers supplying electricity, no huge fossil-fuelled electric plants! Just clean and green electricity for every one of us. This was the idea of Dr. Tesla’s ‘Direct to Home wireless electricity’.
 However wireless electricity was not the only thing that Dr. Tesla wanted to achieve. Dr. Tesla had other plans in his mind as well. As we already know, it was Dr. Tesla’s habit to accomplish many things from a single device, a perfect Jugaad approach, he had thought of many innovative and out of the box ideas that could be achieved using these experiments and had also prepared a plan to implement them using his system. But for that to happen, Dr. Tesla needed a much bigger and much higher capacity tower. These ideas of Dr. Tesla eventually gave birth to the most famous of his concepts,‘The Wardenclyffe Tower’.

Saturday 11 July 2015

The Famous Friends of Nikola Tesla

The Famous Friends of Nikola Tesla
Above: Mark Twain in Tesla's Laboratory at 35 South Fifth Avenue, 1895.  Tesla was good friends with Mark Twain, famous American writer.
Above: Mark Twain and Joseph Jefferson in Tesla's South Fifth Avenue Laboratory, 1894, Tesla's image is blurred between them.
Nikola Tesla's private life is still an enigma.  Being a loner, a bachelor, working alone, not entering into corporate associations and not mixing friends - his personal life was obscure to outsiders.  His close friends were Robert Underwood Johnson, poet and editor of Century Magazine and his wife Katharine.  Johnson's home on Lexington Avenue, Manhattan, New York City during the 1890s was the place where Nikola Tesla met many of his friends.
Above: Poem written by Robert Underwood Johnson about Tesla's lab.
Nikola Tesla called Mr. Johnson, "Luka Filipov" and Madame Johnson, "Miss Filipov".  Luka Filipov was a Serbian Montenegrin hero from the "Battle on Vucji Do" in Montenegro, 1876 between Montenegrins and Turks.  Luka Filipov captured in the "Battle on Vucji Do" the Turkish commander Osman Pasa and brought him to the Montenegrin King Nikola Petrovic.  Above his heroism in the "Battle on Vucji Do" the famous Serbian poet Zmaj Jovan Jovanovic wrote a poem called "Luka Filipov".  Nikola Tesla translated the poem from Serbian to English and the poem was published in Century Magazine.

Tesla met Anthony Dvorak, the famous Czech composer and music genius,  in the home of Robert Underwood Johnson and his wife Katharine. The Johnson's home was located at 327 Lexington Avenue in Manhattan, New York City.  It was a fashionable home of the editor of Century Magazine and Tesla's friend Robert Underwood Johnson.  At the Johnson's home, Tesla met famous and important people such as Rudyard Kipling, the English poet and recipient of the Noble Prize for literature 1907.  Kipling was born in Bombay, India.
Tesla also met Ignace Paderewski (1860-1941), Polish pianist, composer and statesman.  Paderewski was representing Poland in the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919 and serving for ten months as premier of a coalition ministry of the Polish Government.  In Johnson's home Tesla  met writers John Muir and Helen Hunt Jackson, and the prima donna Nellie Melba and many politicians and socialites, including Senator George Hearst.
Ignace Paderewski (1860-1941), Polish pianist, composer and statesman. Prime Minister of Polish Government.
Above: Michael Idvorsky Pupin (1854 -1935)

The famous Serbian-American scientist and inventor Michael Pupin was also a guest at Johnson's home. 
In 1883, three men who have since become world famous were at the University of Strasburg, although they were then unknown to each other or to fame.  They were Paderewski, Roentgen, the discoverer of x-rays and Tesla.  All there men became friends and became famous.
Above: Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, discoverer of x-rays.
Above: Dinner to Mr. Henry Clews with the Board of Governors, February 1910, New York.  Tesla is second from right.

Tesla Photographs

Tesla Photographs
Tesla images are placed on Yugoslavian money and stamps, here are a few pictures of his image on money and stamps.  Many electronic and radio industries in Yugoslavia, Croatia, Czech Republic and Slovakia bear Tesla's name.  Many scientific institutes, schools, societies and streets also bear his name.  The biggest scientific states award in Croatia bears Tesla's name.  There are many Tesla statues and busts in all Blakan countries.  In many Balkan regions Tesla is well known.  Every child who lives in the Balkans knows about Tesla.
Above: S.S. Saturnia, the ship which brought Nikola Tesla from Europe to New York Harbor, 1884.

Above: The first three Niagara Falls, alternating current generators to go online, 1896.

Celebration of "Nikola Tesla Day" July 10, 2004 in New York

Celebration of "Nikola Tesla Day" July 10, 2004 in New York
Above: Tesla Coil in Action
Nikola Tesla's birthday on July 10 was celebrated in Downtown Manhattan, New York City at Collective: Unconscious Theater with a beautiful artistic program and an amazing display of a Tesla Coil in action.  The Collective: Unconscious and Miss Gecko, the founder, could be proud of their artistic and Tesla Coil performance.  The Collective: Unconscious Theater has a huge Tesla Coil which is the biggest on Manhattan Island.  For years now the theater entertains an enthusiastic audience with a display of Tesla Coil sparks 30- 40 cm long shooting into the air.  The sparks were accompanied by the smell of Ozone and characteristic acoustic popping of electricity.  The show was highly professional and the display of the Tesla Coil was magnificent.  The cheering audience of young people was a reflection of the enthusiastic spirit of this unforgettable evening. 
The Tesla Memorial Society of New York was represented at this important show.  Besides Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, Secretary General, Tesla Memorial Society of New York, the following were present:
  • Mr. Ranko Grujic, Board Member, Tesla Memorial Society of New York and Angel Company Water Distributor
  • Prof. Dr. Borivoje A. Markovic, Chairman of the Fund for Development of the Balkans Inc., Board Member Tesla Memorial Society of New York.
Dr. Ljubo Vujovic made an introductory remark welcoming the audience to the event and thanking the artists, performers and Tesla coil technician for the show.  Dr. Vujovic emphasized in his speech the importance of the existence of Collective: Unconscious in Downtown Manhattan, New York not only as entertainment but also an important source of information and education about Nikola Tesla's high frequency electricity.  The Tesla Coil is an integral part of every television and radio built, it was a part of every physics laboratory at the turn of the century around the world.  Today the Tesla Coil is entertaining millions of enthusiastic spectators around the world.
Tesla Coil
The Tesla coil is one of Nikola Tesla's most famous inventions. It is essentially a high-frequency air-core transformer. It takes the output from a 120vAC to several kilovolt transformer & driver circuit and steps it up to an extremely high voltage. Voltages can get to be well above 1,000,000 volts and are discharged in the form of electrical arcs. Tesla himself got arcs up to 100,000,000 volts, but I don't think that has been duplicated by anybody else. Tesla coils are unique in the fact that they create extremely powerful electrical fields. Large coils have been known to wirelessly light up florescent lights up to 50 feet away, and because of the fact that it is an electric field that goes directly into the light and doesn't use the electrodes, even burned-out florescent lights will glow.

Tesla Coil in Action play of electrical sparks 

Remember Nikola Tesla Father of AC Electricity which is Lighting the World Today

Electricity and Disaster - Superstorm Sandy devastated New Jersey, New York and East Coast of the United States
Remember Nikola Tesla Father of AC Electricity which is Lighting the World Today
Nikola Tesla Coil
Above: Tesla sits below the Tesla Coil in his Colorado Spring Laboratory.  The coil creates millions of volts of electricity with a frequency rate of 100,000 alterations per second.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla holding a gas-filled phosphor-coated light bulb which was illuminated without wires by an electromagnetic field from the "Tesla Coil".
Electricity - we remember the work of Nikola Tesla, "Father of Electricity". Electricity is vital for heat, lights, subways, computers, telephones, gas stations, elevators, and life saving machines. Without the work of Tesla's Alternative Current Electricity, there would be no progress.
Many of the vital systems powered by Tesla's Alternative Current (AC) electricity stopped running because of the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. Wide spread flooding and power outages have affected many lifes both during and after this powerful storm.
The Tesla Memorial Society of New York is asking anyone who can help to donate time, money or support to the American Red Cross for helping those affected by this disaster.
American Red Cross
Above: Donations to the American Red Cross.

The following pictures below can be found at
No play: This US Air Force photo shows an aerial view of the rollercoaster from the Seaside Heights amusement park on the New Jersey shore submerged in surfNo play: This US Air Force photo shows an aerial view of the rollercoaster from the Seaside Heights amusement park on the New Jersey shore submerged in surf
Map of U.S. East Coast showing deaths, damages from Hurricane Sandy, as of Tuesday, Oct. 30, 4 p.m.
Stuck: A car is pictured on Wednesday, partially buried by sand that was washed ashore by Superstorm Sandy in Atlantic City, New JerseyStuck: A car is pictured on Wednesday, partially buried by sand that was washed ashore by Superstorm Sandy in Atlantic City, New Jersey
All that's left: The foundations to the historic Rockaway boardwalk are all that remain after it was washed away during Superstorm Sandy in Brooklyn, New York All that's left: The foundations to the historic Rockaway boardwalk are all that remain after it was washed away during Superstorm Sandy in Brooklyn, New York
Snap: A man takes a picture of a woman in front of a crumbled public bathroom following Superstorm Sandy, on Tuesday in Belmar, New JerseySnap: A man takes a picture of a woman in front of a crumbled public bathroom following Superstorm Sandy, on Tuesday in Belmar, New Jersey
Unbelievable: A woman looks at damage in the Rockaway neighborhood where the historic boardwalk was washed away during Superstorm SandyUnbelievable: A woman looks at damage in the Rockaway neighborhood where the historic boardwalk was washed away during Superstorm Sandy
On fire: This photo from the New Jersey Governor's Office shows damage north of Seaside, New Jersey, on Tuesday after Superstorm Sandy made landfallOn fire: This photo from the New Jersey Governor's Office shows damage north of Seaside, New Jersey, on Tuesday after Superstorm Sandy made landfall
Severe damage: This picture provided by the US Coast Guard shows property damages along the New Jersey coast caused by Hurricane Sandy on TuesdaySevere damage: This picture provided by the US Coast Guard shows property damages along the New Jersey coast caused by Hurricane Sandy on Tuesday
Underwater: This picture provided shows flooded homes in Tuckerton, New Jersey, after Superstorm Sandy made landfall on the southern New Jersey coastlineUnderwater: This picture provided shows flooded homes in Tuckerton, New Jersey, after Superstorm Sandy made landfall on the southern New Jersey coastline
Flooding: A portion of Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island, New Jersey was underwater after Superstorm Sandy blew across the state with devastating resultsFlooding: A portion of Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island, New Jersey was underwater after Superstorm Sandy blew across the state with devastating results


These startling before-and-after pictures reveal what is left of parts of the East Coast. Just one solitary house was left standing on the east side of New Jersey's Mantoloking Bridge in Brick. Rows of Atlantic holiday homes were wiped out by the 900-mile storm with its surging waters and winds of 95mph.
How it was: This image from Google Maps shows Mantoloking Bridge in Brick, New Jersey, before the devastation was caused by Superstorm SandyHow it was: This image from Google Maps shows Mantoloking Bridge in Brick, New Jersey, before the devastation was caused by Superstorm Sandy. All but one of the houses in the highlighted area above were destroyed in the storm. The only one to still be standing is circled above
Severe destruction: An aerial view from Greenpeace taken by Tim Aubry of the damage caused by Superstorm Sandy along the New Jersey coast in BrickSevere destruction: An aerial view from Greenpeace taken by Tim Aubry of the damage caused by Superstorm Sandy along the New Jersey coast in Brick
Shock: Brian Hajeski, 41, of Brick, New Jersey, reacts as he looks at debris of a home that washed up on to the Mantoloking Bridge the morning after Superstorm SandyShock: Brian Hajeski, 41, of Brick, New Jersey, reacts as he looks at debris of a home that washed up on to the Mantoloking Bridge the morning after Superstorm Sandy

"The Merry Widow" Operetta by Franz Lehar

"The Merry Widow" Operetta by Franz Lehar

This is the greatest musical monument of Montenegro for the last 100 years. Book by Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, President, Tesla Memorial Society of New York